Analysis News Framing of Alleged Corruption Cases Representative of PT Timah Refined Bangka Tim (RBT) Harvey Moeis in Mass News

  • Fathurrahman Novatrianda Fakultas Komunikasi dan Desain Kreatif, Universitas Budi Luhur
  • Nawiroh Vera Fakultas Komunikasi dan Desain Kreatif, Universitas Budi Luhur
Keywords: Corruption, Harvey Moeis, 271T, Tin Corruption, Framing


Corruption is an abuse of power and is a problem in this country. One of the corruption that has become a public concern and also received media attention is the alleged corruption case of PT Timah Refined Bangka Team (RBT) Representative Harvey Moeis, commonly known as HM.  HM's corruption case has been widely reported in various mass media, one of which is The content of each news story is different determined by various individualism and media ideology, the ownership factor of media news, and the individual factors of the news reporter. The analysis method was carried out using framing theory and a qualitative approach to news samples from several mass media. This research is a type of qualitative research with a constructivist paradigm perspective. The purpose of this study is to see how frame the news of HM corruption cases. The news used are 3 news that appeared when HM was detained on Wednesday (27/03/2024). The framing analysis used is Robert N. Entman's framing model which has 4 main elements: 1. Problem identification, what the problem is framed as; 2. Diagnoses causes, causal logic related to the problem; 3. Make moral judgment, what moral values are highlighted by the media; and 4. Solution, what solution is highlighted in the news frame. The results of this study show that reporting on corruption cases committed by Harvey Moeis received firm action from the Attorney General's Office with the detention of him. This news is expected to be a lesson so that similar actions do not repeat and corruption cases decrease.


How to Cite
Novatrianda, F., & Vera, N. (2024). Analysis News Framing of Alleged Corruption Cases Representative of PT Timah Refined Bangka Tim (RBT) Harvey Moeis in Mass News ArtComm, 7(2), 186-195.