“Pacaranku Sehat atau Toxic?”

Cyber Dating Abuse (CDA) pada Pasangan Long Distance Relationship

  • Dyah Rachman Kuswartanti Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia
  • Cahyaning Widyastuti
  • Vika Fatimatuzzahra Azzali


Long Distance Relationship (LDR) couples require their own challenges, especially in communication. Technological advances can make long distance communication easier, using available applications such as WhatsApp, Instagram (IG), Telegram and so on. However, this is still not enough. Many LDR couples have conflicts due to communication problems and distrust of their partner, this gives rise to Cyber Dating Abuse (CDA) behavior. The aim of this research is to find out how CDA is in LDR couples. Researchers used a quantitative approach method with 158 respondents who were in long-distance relationships using the Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire (CDA-Q) measuring tool f with reliability value is 0.982. This research produces LDR couples who have CDA in the very low category, meaning that the intensity of aggressive behavior in LDR couples is very low, respondents try to control themselves emotionally and psychologically when experiencing dating conflicts, even by communicating online with their partners.

How to Cite
Kuswartanti, D., Widyastuti, C., & Azzali, V. (2024). “Pacaranku Sehat atau Toxic?”. Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi (JIPSI), 6(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.37278/jipsi.v6i1.850