Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Cerita Rakyat dengan Judul “Tupai Dan Ikan Gabus” oleh Cikal Aksara untuk Anak 7 Tahun

  • Banon Gilang Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Desain Universitas Informatika Dan Bisnis Indonesia
  • Farhan Najib Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Desain Universitas Informatika Dan Bisnis Indonesia
  • Citra Kemala Putri Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Desain Universitas Informatika Dan Bisnis Indonesia


Indonesia is a country that is famous for upholding the moral of politeness as the main thing in the interaction between people. Folklore and fairy tales can provide an early stage to provide good morals, but of the two, fairy tales are the right ones for the initial stage before entering folklore. This original Indonesian folklore book published by Cikal Aksara still mixes both categories in one book. This design was carried out using a qualitative method with the help of child psychology theory regarding stories that are suitable for children, there must be more colorful pictures than text. This design is based on original Indonesian folklore which is still not based on child psychology, for this reason, this design includes a children's book entitled " Squirrel and Cork Fish Tales for 7 Years Old along with more colorful pictures than text.
