Pembingkaian Berita Kasus Korupsi Menteri Komunikasi Dan Informasi di Media Online
Analisis Framing Robert N. Entman Mengenai Pemberitaan Korupsi Johnny G Plate Sebagai Tersangka Kasus Korupsi BTS 4G Pada Media Dan Periode 17 Mei 2023 – 2 Juni 2023
Corruption as an epidemic disease in the government sector shows the poverty of character and the lack of moral order of the apparatus in this country such as the corruption case of the minister of communication and information. This research aims to find out and in framing the news on the Corruption Case of the Minister of Communication and Information in Online Media. In this research, the method used is qualitative research with the framing analysis approach of the Robert N. Entman model. In this model there are four aspects in analyzing a news based on define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgments, and treatment recommendations. The results showed that in general tended to give more portions emphasizing the discussion of the facts of how Johnny G Plate was named a suspect, the selection of issues published by did not show any particular tendency. furthermore, the tendency of is to emphasize the suspicion that the determination of Johnny G Plate as a suspect in this corruption case has a very strong political element.
Copyright (c) 2024 Erissa Yuliani, Faisal Reza, Anggita Lestari, Nisa Lathifah, Nugraha Sugiarta, Shinta Hartini Putri

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