Penerapan Model Literasi Media Sosial Instagram Pada Petugas Pengolah Data Dan Sistem Informasi (PEDASI) Kecamatan Cinambo (Studi Deskriptif Penerapan Model Literasi Media Instagram @kecamatan.cinambo Sebagai Media Informasi Kecamatan Cinambo)

  • Rachmawati Windyaningrum Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Desain, Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia
  • Shinta Hartini Putri Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Desain, Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia
  • Indah Sari Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Komunikasi dan Desain, Universitas Informatika dan Bisnis Indonesia
Keywords: Literacy, Social Media, Districts, Instagram, Digital Literacy


Since 2013, the Bandung City Government has launched the Bandung Smart City by utilizing the development of communication technology through the activation of social media. This activation is an instruction from the Mayor of Bandung that all SKPD (Regional Government Work Units). At the sub-district level social media activation is done by creating Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts. The social media account is used as a media to control the performance of the sub-district level government apparatus, because social media activities will become a report card for the subdistrict head or lurah by the residents. Instagram Cinambo Subdistrict @kecamatan.cinambo which is active with a total of 1055 posts, 1047 followers until August 2018. This study aims to explore the application of social media literacy by Data and Information Processing Officers (PEDASI) in using Instagram. In achieving these objectives this research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, with primary data collection techniques through observation, interviews and focus group discussions (FGD), while secondary data uses literature studies of books, journals, and internet sources. Data analysis is used with the Miles and Huberman models and triangulation for data validity techniques. The application of Instagram social media literacy model shows that PEDASI Cinambo District already has access capabilities, technical expertise, skills in information management, and expertise in producing information content for Cinambo District activities.

How to Cite
Windyaningrum, R., Putri, S., & Sari, I. (2019). Penerapan Model Literasi Media Sosial Instagram Pada Petugas Pengolah Data Dan Sistem Informasi (PEDASI) Kecamatan Cinambo (Studi Deskriptif Penerapan Model Literasi Media Instagram @kecamatan.cinambo Sebagai Media Informasi Kecamatan Cinambo). ArtComm : Jurnal Komunikasi Dan Desain, 2(02), 54-68.